#Data Class Example

The following code shows an example of a complete (but small) data class.

/* Data class that specifies a task with a certain execution time. */
data class TaskSpecification
extends Object
	executionTime : Integer
	setExecutionTime(time: Integer) : TaskSpecification
		executionTime := time;
		return self

	getExecutionTime : Integer
		return executionTime

	printString: String
		return "Task(execution time: " + executionTime printString + ")"

The data class definition starts with the declaration of its name and its inheritance relation.

data class TaskSpecification
extends Object

data class are fixed keywords and the name of the new data class is TaskSpecification. The keyword extends followed by the data class name Objects states that this data class inherits from data class Object. The inheritance declaration is optional. When it is omitted, it is implicitly assumed that the class inherits from the root data class Object, from which all data classes directly or indirectly inherit. The data class Object itself is a native data class (there are more) and it does not need to be declared explicitly to be used in a model.

	executionTime : Integer

The keyword variables is followed by a list of declarations of instance variables, the attributes of the instances of the class. In this case just one with the name executionTime, which is declared to be of type Integer. This expresses that the variable is expected to be bound only to objects of type Integer (i.e., instances of class Integers, or to the object nil). Note that it is up to the individual tools to decide to what degree the type declarations are enforced, statically, or at run-time. The POOSL-IDE performs some static type checking, but does not enforce strong static typing, because that would limit the expressiveness or succinctness of the language.

The section starting with the keyword methods defines the methods of the data class, in this case: setExecutionTime, getExecutionTime and printString.

	setExecutionTime(time: Integer) : TaskSpecification
		executionTime := time;
		return self

The first method provides the users of the object access to the executionTime attribute. Note that the instance variables of a data object are strongly encapsulated. They cannot be accessed directly by any other objects. Access can be given indirectly by methods like this one (and the next).
The first line defines the method signature. The name of the method (setExecutionTime), its formal parameters (between parentheses) as a comma separated list of variable declarations. Anyone calling this methods needs to provide the right parameters, in this case one object of type Integer. This is followed by a colon and then the name of a data type. This type expresses what type of data object the method is expected to return. All data methods always return exactly one data object. Both method parameters and returned data objects are always passed by reference, never by value. The declaration is followed by a sequence of statements or expressions. executionTime := time assigns the object passed by parameter time to the instance variable executionTime. The last statement executed in the method results in the value that is returned. The keyword self evaluates to a reference to the object executing the method. Hence, this method returns a reference to the data object evaluating the method itself. This is often convenient, because it allows the caller of the method to immediately call another method of the same object in the same expression.

	getExecutionTime : Integer
		return executionTime

The next method is the counterpart of the previous method that allows also the instance variable to be read by other objects.

	printString: String
		return "Task(execution time: " + executionTime printString + ")"

The last method is a generic trick used in the POOSL language and tools to allow data objects to produce textual representations of themselves. It is defined in class Object and overriden in many data classes to provide more detailed representations. Not the use of the + operator to concatenate String objects.