Schedule-Abstraction Graph

What is a schedule-abstraction graph and how does it work?

Schedule-abstraction graph (SAG) explores the space of possible decisions that a job-level fixed-priority (JLFP) scheduler can take when dispatching a set of jobs on processing resources. This decision space is explored by building a graph whose vertices represent the state of the resource (e.g., processor) after the execution of a set of jobs. The edges of this graph represent possible scheduling decisions that evolve the system states.

SAG has been designed for non-preemptive jobs [Nasri2017, Nasri2018, Nasri2019, Nogd2020, Ranjha2021, Ranjha2022], hence, a scheduling decision is to determine a next job that can possibly be dispatched' after a system state.

Want to learn more?

·        An introduction to schedule-abstraction graph analysis: slides

·        An introduction on my research: slides


Schedule-abstraction graph is an open-source analysis tool and is available on github. The repository is maintained by Dr. Geoffrey Nelissen.



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