Programming multi-processor embedded multi-media systems (PROMES)

A typical next-generation embedded multi-media system is a mobile device that combines high-quality realtime video processing with acceptable usage times between recharges (e.g., mobile phones, gaming devices, pdas). These systems increasingly need high-performance, low-power compute platforms. The solution is found in multi-processor systems integrating many average-speed and energy-efficient processing elements on a single chip.

Future generations of single-chip multi-processor systems require novel programming techniques that fully exploit the properties of embedded multi-media systems to guarantee not only functionally correct behavior of an application but also desired timing- and energy-related properties. Kahn Process Networks (KPNs) are a good basis for programming multi-processor systems, particularly when aiming at streaming applications where data transformation plays an important role (such as video processing). KPNs are widely used by industry, have a formal semantics, are fully compositional, and make task-level concurrency explicit. A weak aspect of KPNs is that they are not very suitable for modeling reactive behavior and control; furthermore, KPNs do not allow explicit reasoning about timing and energy aspects.

Our first major goal in the project is to develop a process-network framework that addresses these issues. We aim at both a sound theoretical framework and a programming environment. Important is the study of analysis techniques that provide insight in concurrency-, timing-, and energy-related properties at the specification level without fully implementing an application.

A second major goal are techniques to map process networks onto single-chip multi-processor systems. These techniques must optimize execution time, memory usage, and energy consumption and allow tradeoffs. Interesting questions are how novel on-chip interconnection networks influence timing, memory usage, and energy dissipation of interprocess communication, and how to adapt the granularity of concurrency in a process network to the resources in a multi-processor system.

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