FPGA II Compiler

Design Wizard

The following steps are necessary to create and compile the ALU project.

1. In your xterm, launch FPGA CompilerII

$ /staff1/elehy/mips/alu fc2

(the fc2 executable locates at /app11/synopsys/fpga2/fpga_compiler2/bin)

2. Select the default Design Wizard project

3. Select the Verilog files for the ALU project

4. Select the toplevel design module (TESTBENCH)

5. Enter the parameters of the target FPGA device and press Run

Note that the FPGA you are using can be different from the one shown on this figure. Check your type!

6. After the compilation is finished, you can examine the error and warning messages by clicking on the output chips (TESTBENCH and TESTBENCH-Optimized) and examining the output window (bottom of the screen)

Last updated: Thu, 6 May 2004 09:10:22 +0200